Emily bea @beaemb TikTok Videos







Archive of savetiknowm.org videos with Emily bea @beaemb. New videos with @beaemb beaemb

On this page you can find videos from TikTok user @@beaemb. We got rid of watermarks from these videos

@beaemb uses following hashtags #fyp, #fyp, #fyp, #fyp, #fyp, #fyp

Please ignore my incredibly bruised knees, I rolled around on the floor a lot this week my birthday's on Tuesday and I am very excited!!! I've been listening to so much Abba today, it's like perfect Abba listening weather right now 😚 I legitimately love this song so much it makes me feel really cool lmao this was stuck in my head all day yesterday and this was the only way I could get it out haha 😌 I lost my favourite eyelashes and I have never been more disappointed :(